
Princess with a tail …


There was a princess who had got eye infection. The king got the best doctors in town but no one could cure her. The reason was that the princess was never ready to take medicines and never followed the doctor’s instructions.And the situation became more worse.

Finally the king announced a reward for the doc who would cure her daughter. A monk passed by the kingdom and heard this announcement.

He claimed that he can easily cure this illness. He examined the princess but was shocked to observe that the princess was actually having a bigger illness. He told the king that the infection in her eyes will get cured without any medicine in a week but soon the princess will have a tail and it will grow very quickly and there is no remedy for this tail growth.

The monk had some work and promised to return after a week. When the monk came back to see the princess, her eyes had become normal but she was tensed because of the tail. The monk told her that he had lied to her , so that he could divert her attention from the eye infection.
In life we pay over attention to many small things. And by doing this we spoil our own time and efforts. As long as we function on this basis, we will remain unchanged. Driven by impulses of desire and rejection, we will travel the roads of samsara without finding a way out.

As long as attachment and aversion are our sources of living and drive us onward, we cannot rest.

” Anadatman – in a state of Bliss 🙂 “

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